Voice Over Transcript:
“Densify: The future of Urban Expansion
This video will provide a vision of the future
But what does the city look like for you or I, and how does Density affect it? First, let’s observe a city of the future.
Sleek. Modern. Urban. This city shows the grand community moving above rural toil.
This is the Prowess of humanity defined.
Our scientists will now simulate the future through Densifying.
Over time, modern buildings overtake nature, and expand the reach of the people who live these future lives. This computational model uses geometry to calculate that wonderful growth…
Amazing, isn’t it? Just look at the future grow!
But let's take a closer look…
Buildings are densely packed. We predict people of the future will live in tight-packed communities of apartments instead of houses. Each window, like the cell of an organism.
And when expansion is needed, entire blocks can simply be demolished and built anew!
No need to worry over individual homes, we’ll simply create new ones more tightly packed than before!
The future is full.
The future is dense.
The future is nature subjugated!
Thank you for watching. See you in the future.”
radiogram-in-room remix of modcam music's freesound #676586 .flac by Timbre -- -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0Dusty rhodes neo soul loop 75bpm.aif by -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
Creepy Classical Vinyl Glitched by Mattc90 -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
explosion visual by
Creation Process:
This project was modeled and rendered in Blender. The construction and procedural aspects of the city structure were achieved using geometry nodes.
By assigning building models to a noise pattern, the density, size, and orientation of the city structure could be scaled infinitely.
Using this procedural geometry set up, a city could technically be applied to any plane or ground object.